Create a Steady Stream of Clients for Your Professional Service Business!

Learn how doing ten simple things every week can BRING YOU, CLIENTS.

An internationally acclaimed marketing program for professionals in service businesses created by marketing and sales guru C.J. Hayden. In a 3-hour kick-off seminar, you will learn the universal principles of the marketing cycle, and you'll design a marketing plan specifically tailored to your business and your personal style and strengths.

Following up on the seminar are 4 half-hour group coaching sessions that will give you the support, structure, and accountability to convert your plan into daily marketing activities. You'll see those activities become habits and watch your marketing proficiency soar!


"Get Clients Now! Not only tells you the absolute truth about landing new clients but also can transform you from a marketing amateur into a marketing genius!

The beauty of its wisdom will be reflected in the beauty of your bottom line."

Jay Conrad Levinson

Author, Guerrilla Marketing series of books


  • A system for evaluating what really works in marketing a service business, what doesn't - and why

  • A tool kit of proven strategies and tactics

  • A road map for your own on-going marketing activities

  • The means to discover what's been blocking the success of your marketing efforts

  • A list of 10 daily marketing activities that will bring you all the clients you need


  • A flexible system that adapts to the standards and culture of your particular profession

  • A relationship-based "hard sell" tactics

  • A tool kit of tested techniques

  • A marketing strategy that reflects your personal style and preferences

  • A marketing plan that can be used over and over, incorporating new directions or priorities as they arise

  • The accountability, perspective and support of group coaching to lock in your learning


  • The principles of the universal marketing cycle

  • A tool kit of tested marketing techniques

  • Your own customized marketing plan that you can use over and over

  • The opportunity to lock in your learning with 4 half-hours of group coaching

  • The structure, encouragement, and accountability needed to achieve your goals

  • Opportunity to test drive your marketing plan and make necessary alterations

  • Opportunity to troubleshoot obstacles and find solutions

We help to eliminate the feast and famine cycle of businesses!

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